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CSV Feeders for gatling 3

I am using Gatling 3. I have a csv feeder with just one column titled accountIds. I need to pass this in the body of my POST request as JSON. I have tried a lot of different syntax but nothing seems to be working. I can also not print what is actually being sent in the body. It works if I remove the "$accountIds" and use an actual value instead. Below is my code:

val searchFeeder = csv("C://data/accountids.csv").random

val scn1 = scenario("Scenario 1")
     .body(StringBody("""{"accountIds": "${accountIds}"}""")).asJson)



  • Have you enabled trace level in logback.xml to see the details of post request? Also, can you confirm if location you have mentioned "C://data/accountids.csv" is the right one. Generally, data folder resides in project location and within project you can access the data file as: val searchFeeder = csv("data/stack.csv").random

    I just created sample script and enabled logging.I am able to see that accountId is getting passed:

    package basicpackage
    import io.gatling.core.Predef._
    import io.gatling.http.Predef._
    import io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation
    class StackFeeder extends Simulation {
      val httpConf=http.baseUrl("")
      val searchFeeder = csv("data/stack.csv").random
      val scn1 = scenario("Scenario 1")
          .body(StringBody("""{"accountIds": "${accountIds}"}""")).asJson)

    csv file location