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How to find out the HTTP header length of a packet?

I know how to do it manually (by looking at the hex dump). How can I obtain the same automatically? Do I have to use the APIs? I have both wireshark and Microsoft network monitor.


  • This can be achieved simply with a Lua dissector that adds an HTTP header field to the packet tree, allowing you to filter for it, as shown in this screenshot:

    enter image description here

    Copy this Lua script into your plugins directory (e.g., ${WIRESHARK_HOME}/plugins/1.4.6/http_extra.lua), and restart Wireshark (if already running).

            local http_wrapper_proto = Proto("http_extra", "Extra analysis of the HTTP protocol");
            http_wrapper_proto.fields.hdr_len = ProtoField.uint32("http.hdr_len", "Header length (bytes)")
            -- HTTP frames that contain a header usually include the HTTP
            -- request method or HTTP response code, so declare those here
            -- so we can check for them later in the dissector.
            local f_req_meth    ="http.request.method")
            local f_resp_code   ="http.response.code")
            local original_http_dissector
            function http_wrapper_proto.dissector(tvbuffer, pinfo, treeitem)
                    -- We've replaced the original http dissector in the dissector table,
                    -- but we still want the original to run, especially because we need 
                    -- to read its data. Let's wrap the call in a pcall in order to catch
                    -- any unhandled exceptions. We'll ignore those errors.
                            original_http_dissector:call(tvbuffer, pinfo, treeitem)
                    -- if the request method or response code is present,
                    -- the header must be in this frame
                    if f_req_meth() or f_resp_code() then
                            -- find the position of the header terminator (two new lines),
                            -- which indicates the length of the HTTP header, and then add
                            -- the field to the tree (allowing us to filter for it)
                            local hdr_str = tvbuffer():string()
                            local hdr_len = string.find(hdr_str, "\r\n\r\n") or string.find(hdr_str, "\n\n\n\n")
                            if hdr_len ~= nil then
                                treeitem:add(http_wrapper_proto.fields.hdr_len, hdr_len):set_generated()
            local tcp_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port")
            original_http_dissector = tcp_dissector_table:get_dissector(80) -- save the original dissector so we can still get to it
            tcp_dissector_table:add(80, http_wrapper_proto)                 -- and take its place in the dissector table