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case class to shapeless Generic conversion


I have a case class Foo which can be anything.

I need a function to create a cypher query from this.

The signature of this new function should be

def createQueryString[T](t: T): String = ???


I have Foo let's say having two members

case class Foo(x: Int, y: String)

I need it to be converted to cypher

CREATE (f:Foo { x: "1", y: "Hello" }) RETURN f

If I pass Foo(1, "Hello") into the function createQueryString mentioned above

createQueryString[Foo](Foo(1, "Hello"))

What have I tried so far?

I have tried using shapeless's Generic and Aux to achieve this

import shapeless._

case class Foo(x: Int, y: String)

def foo[T, HL <: HList](instance: T)(
  implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL]
): HL = {

val myFoo = foo(Foo(1, "Hello"))
s"""CREATE (f:Foo { x: "${myFoo(0)}", y: "${myFoo(1)}" }) RETURN f"""

Is there any way I can use this foo(Foo(1, "Hello")) to implement inside the createQueryString mentioned above? I would want to basically pass types into this function down the road. Somewhat like

def createQueryString[T](t: T): String = {
  val gen = foo(t) // to get the generic
  s"""CREATE (t: T { x: "${gen(0)}", y: "${gen(1)}" }) RETURN t"""

Something like this. But by doing this I get the following error

Error:(77, 22) could not find implicit value for parameter gen: shapeless.Generic.Aux[T,HL]
val gen = foo(t) // to get the generic


  1. What am I missing in my last implementation using Aux?
  2. How can I improve this make it generic enough to incorporate as arguments to the cypher query? There can be more than x and y in the case class.


  • You forgot implicit parameters (or context bounds).

    Generic can produce not only an HList but also a Coproduct. That's why if you loose bound <: HList compiler doesn't know how to apply Generic's Repr to 0, 1.


    import shapeless.ops.hlist.At
    import shapeless.nat._
    def foo[T](instance: T)(
      implicit gen: Generic[T]
    ): gen.Repr = {
    def createQueryString[T, L <: HList](t: T)(implicit 
      g: Generic.Aux[T, L],
      at0: At[L, _0], 
      at1: At[L, _1]
    ): String = {
      val gen = foo(t) // to get the generic
      s"""CREATE (t: T { x: "${gen(0)}", y: "${gen(1)}" }) RETURN t"""

    If you need labels x, y then you need LabelledGeneric rather than Generic.

    If you have arbitrary number of parameters then you can transform an HList to desired form and then fold it to a string.

    { x: "1", y: "Hello" } looks like a JSON. Look at Circe.