I have a Product
model that has_many :images
Image model has a photo field (I use carrierwave gem to store the file):
class Image < ApplicationRecord
mount_uploader :photo, DressingUploader
Here is my product_index.rb
ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :product, with: :active_record do
indexes name
has images.pose, as: :image_pose
join images
How can I add images.photo
attribute to thinking sphinx which will check whether the photo is present or not?
I could add this line where "images.photo IS NOT NULL"
, but I do not need the condition to work globally.
I tried to do something like
has "images.photo IS NOT NULL", as: :has_photo, type: :boolean
But it doesn`t work
Because you're dealing with many images for a given product, you'll need to aggregate the photo values for each image. It could be that a SUM(CASE) statement will do the job (and this should work in both MySQL and PostgreSQL):
has "SUM(CASE WHEN images.photo IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) > 0",
as: :has_photo, type: :boolean
This solution is fine for SQL-backed indices (which is what you're using). For anyone coming across this that is using real-time indices, then the solution is different… you'll want a method to refer to within your class:
def has_image_photos
images.any? { |image| image.photo.present? }
And then in the index:
has has_image_photos, as: :has_photo, type: :boolean