Search code examples

'for' tag was never closed / if elsif else in liquid logic to include a page?

My Jekyll version is 3.8.6.

If I have too many elseif I get a for logic error where no for loop was written. If I remove one elseif, it works.

This does not work:

{% if page.jsontype == "page" %}
    {% include pageJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "collection" %}
    {% include collectionJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "post" %}
    {% include postJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "about" %}
    {% include aboutJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "lawyer" %}
    {% include lawyerJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "contact" %}
    {% include contactJSONLD.html %}
  {% else %}
    {% include homeJSONLD.html %}
  {% endif %}

This Works!

{% if page.jsontype == "page" %}
    {% include pageJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "post" %}
    {% include postJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "about" %}
    {% include aboutJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "lawyer" %}
    {% include lawyerJSONLD.html %}
  {% elsif page.jsontype == "contact" %}
    {% include contactJSONLD.html %}
  {% else %}
    {% include homeJSONLD.html %}
  {% endif %}

The error I get with the additional elsif is

Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (/home/xxxxx/repositories/legal/_includes/_head.html line 100): 'for' tag was never closed included in /_layouts/default.html Error: Liquid syntax error (/home/xxxx/repositories/legal/_includes/_head.html line 100): 'for' tag was never closed included Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information.

Line: 100 is {% elsif page.jsontype == "lawyer" %}.

Edit 1:

I have got the same error when using case/when

{% case page.jsontype %}
  {% when 'page' %}
    {% include pageJSONLD.html %}
  {% when 'collection' %}
    {% include collectionJSONLD.html %}
  {% when 'post' %}
    {% include postJSONLD.html %}
  {% when 'about' %}
    {% include aboutJSONLD.html %}
  {% when 'lawyer' %}
    {% include lawyerJSONLD.html %}
  {% when 'contact' %}
    {% include contactJSONLD.html %}
  {% else %}
    {% include homeJSONLD.html %}
 {% endcase %}

It still shows the same error pointing to the end of the head file.


  • The file collectionJSONLD.html was missing {% endfor %}

    {% for member in %}
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "name": "{{ }}",
        "url": "{{ member.permalink }}",
        "position": "{{ forloop.index }}"
        {% if forloop.first %}
        {% elsif forloop.last %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}