I am trying to implement the following model with pyMC3
I am unable to define an 8x8 matrix of deterministic variables.
Let's say the name of the 2D matrix that I want is s.
I want s[i, j]
to be equal to np.exp(-c*(w*d1[i, j] + (1-w)*d2[i, j]))
d1[i, j], d2[i, j]
are np.arrays
c ~ Uniform(0,5)
w ~ Uniform(0,1)
I tried the following:
s = np.zeros((d1.shape[0],d1.shape[1]))
with pm.Model() as model:
c = pm.Uniform("c", 0, 5)
w = pm.Uniform("w", 0, 1)
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
name_str = "s["+str(i)+","+str(j)+"]"
s[i,j] = pm.Deterministic(name_str, tt.exp(-c*(w*d1[i,j]+(1-w)*d2[i,j])))
When I try to run this, I get the error:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
I am new to pyMC3. Is there any way to realize the above graphical model?
PyMC3 supports vectorized operations, so you should be able to just use
with pm.Model() as model:
c = pm.Uniform("c", 0, 5)
w = pm.Uniform("w", 0, 1)
s = pm.Deterministic('s', tt.exp(-c * (w * d1 + (1 - w) * d2)))