I have a extremely large data set(which is extracted for nginx log files), and some of the keys of the documents contain .
, which may lead to invaliddocument error
Instead of filtering out these invalid documents or replace the dots inside the keys, I prefer just ignore these documents, is there any way that I can ignore the invalid documents when insert_many
with pymongo
Normally you can "ignore" errors on an insert_many by setting the ordered=False parameter; however this still fails for an invalid document apparently by design.
You can, however, do something like this:
import pymongo
import bson.errors
db = pymongo.MongoClient()['mydatabase']
data_to_load = [{"ok": 1},
{"ok": 2},
{"not.ok": 3},
{"ok": 4},
{"ok": 5}]
for item in data_to_load:
except bson.errors.InvalidDocument:
for item in db.testdata.find({}, {'_id': 0}):
{'ok': 1}
{'ok': 2}
{'ok': 4}
{'ok': 5}