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Puppet reboot when notifed AND parameter set to true

I have a shared puppet reboot block in an init.pp, and also want to have a global parameter of $autorestart which defaults to false so the reboot is globally opt-in. In a subclass I have some resources such as file_line changing settings that normally won't become effective until a reboot occurs, but these do not set the OS flag that a reboot is required (eg writing to audit.rules or sysctl.conf), so have set these to notify => Reboot[after_run].

I know that some of the subclass functions can take effect with service restarts, but that is not what I am try to do here as for example auditd is a protected service.

I have tried putting the global reboot resource in an 'if $autorestart' block, but then the notify on the subclass resource fails to compile if the global $autorestart is set to false. I'm trying to keep this as flexble yet simple as possible.


Boolean $autorestart = false,
  if $autorestart {
    reboot { 'after_run':
      apply   => 'finished',
      timeout => 60,


    file_line { 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6':
      path  => '/etc/sysctl.conf',
      line  => 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1',
      match => '^net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6.*',
      notify => Reboot['after_run'],


Could not find resource 'Reboot[after_run]' in parameter 'notify'

I have also tried the puppet-reboot 'onlyif' parameter but this only accepts certain conditions and does not test for the value of a parameter.

Any help appreciated.


  • ... but then the notify on the subclass resource fails to compile if the global $autorestart is set to false

    That problem would be solved by moving the relationship metaparameter inside the conditional, i.e.

    if $autorestart {
      reboot { 'after_run':
        apply     => 'finished',
        timeout   => 60,
        subscribe => File_line['net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6'], ## ADD THIS

    (And of course remove the notify from your file_line resource.)