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Why does the NetworkX generate an adjacency matrix that is not symmetric for an undirected graph

I am trying to learn coding using NetworkX. I am now trying to get the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph using following code I wrote:

mat = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)
matDense = mat.todense();

print(len(matDense ))
print(len(matDense [0]))

The output is


My understanding for adjacency matrix is that it should be symmetric, however, the output seems like not, seems like the adjacency matrix generated by NetworkX is an 38*1 matrix instead of 38*38?

If this, how may I access individual cells of an adjacency matrix, currently I could only locate to rows.If matDense[0][2], an array index out of bounds error will be thrown.

Thanks in advance for any help !


  • It is a square matrix.

    The problem is in this command:

    print(len(matDense [0]))

    matDense[0] is a matrix consisting of a single row. The len command in this case is telling you there is just one row. Try
