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Laravel: Selecting all films where the condiction is in another table

I have two models ("Films" and "Tags") related in a Many to Many relation. I have therefore Three Tables: "films", "tags" and "film_tag" EDITED: I have belongsToMany relations in place like this:


public function tags()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Tag', 'film_tag');


public function films()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Film');

I want to get a list of all films that have a tag. I am passing the variable "$tag" which contaings the slug of the tag.

In my Database I have this

Table TAGS:

id  Tag

1   BEST

Table FILMS:

id      Film
1       Fantomas
2       Minions


id      Film_id     Tag_id
1       1           1
2       2           1

So, one tag asigned to two films.

1- Using Laravel Eloquent I did this:

    if (isset($tag)) {
        $all_element = Film::whereHas('tags', function ($query) {
                $query->where('tag', $tag);


But I get the following error message:

Undefined variable: tag


  • how do I "join" the tow tables in Eloquent?
  • how could I make the variable recoffnized inside the query function?

2- Using normal laravel queries with DB I did this:

    if (isset($tag)) {
        $all_element = DB::table('films')
            ->join('film_tag', 'film_tag.film_id', '=', '')
            ->join('tags', '', '=', 'film_tag.tag_id')
            ->where('tags.slug', '=', $tag)

In this case I get just the first film repeated the number of times that this relation exist. In this case "Fantomas" two times. If I would have ten related films, I would get the first film repeated ten times.

In the other hand this variant do not give back a collection and therefore is difficult to manipulate the results (since all the methods are build to works with collections of objects)

3- I did a third solution which get the right solution: getting all films and then foreach

$all_element = Film::get();

if (isset($tag)) {
    $element_paused = array();
    foreach ($all_element as $element) {
        if (count($element->tags) > 0) {
            foreach ($element->tags as $gat) {
                if ($gat->slug === $tag) {
                    array_push($element_paused, $element);
    $all_element = $element_paused;

but this is a very SLOW solution, since I have more that 700 films in the Database

I would like to implement the first approach, which is very fast, but I get the repeated film all the time. Any help to find the bug would be appreciated


  • As you are using belongsToMany relationship this is the best approach to get all your films.

    if (isset($tag)) {
        $all_element = Film::whereHas('tags', function ($query) use($tag) {
                $query->where('slug', $tag);

    Look you are missing the use($tag) portion for what you are getting undefined variable: tag error.