Search code examples

Google Directory API User list orgDepartment returns undefined

I'm looping through the user list to pull out some data.

Logger.log('\nName : %s\nEmail : %s\nOU : %s\nDepartment : %s\n', users[i].name.fullName, users[i].primaryEmail, users[i].orgUnitPath, users[i].orgDepartment);

Name, email and OU return the expected results but not Department.

Some user accounts have department data and others don't but in any case the result always comes back 'undefined'. What am I doing wrong ?

Full code here.

function listUsers(){
  var values = [],
  users = [],
  userListQuery = {},
  nextPageToken = '',
  listObject = {
    customer: 'my_customer',
    query: "isSuspended=false",
    maxResults: 500
  i = 0,
  j = 0;

do {

if (nextPageToken && nextPageToken !== '') {
  listObject.pageToken = nextPageToken;

var userListQuery = AdminDirectory.Users.list(listObject);

// Si plus de maxResults retourner à nextPageToken
nextPageToken = userListQuery.nextPageToken;

// Ajout de résultats à la liste
users = users.concat(userListQuery.users);

} while (nextPageToken);

for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
// Filtrer les résultats
if (users[i].orgUnitPath == '/') {
  Logger.log('Résultat #%s', j.toString());
  Logger.log('\nNom : %s\nCourriel : %s\nOU : %s\nDépartement : %s\n', users[i].name.fullName, users[i].primaryEmail, users[i].orgUnitPath, users[i].orgDepartment);


  • Problem

    Users resource doesn't have top-level property orgDepartment. Although you can search users using orgDepartment (as well as address or other org-prefixed fields), it is not defined in the returned object (hence the undefined value).


    Access the top-level property organizations, which is an Array<Object> (organizations this user is a part of). Its elements are structured as follows (obviously, you need the department property):

      "name": string,
      "title": string,
      "primary": boolean,
      "type": string,
      "customType": string,
      "department": string,
      "symbol": string,
      "location": string,
      "description": string,
      "domain": string,
      "costCenter": string,
      "fullTimeEquivalent": integer

    Assuming there is only one organization associated with the user, referencing department should look like: users[i].organizations[0].department


    1. Users resource representation reference;
    2. Searching for Users fields reference;