In the observable pipeline below colWithIds$
gives me an observable of a firestore collection (a single array of objects) which I'll refer to as the parent documents. For each of those documents I use flatMap
to make a single call for an associated document, which I'll call the child documents. I then store the parent and child docs on local variables:
tap(parentDocs => this.parentDocs = _.keyBy(parentDocs, '_id')),
flatMap(parentDocs => combineLatest( => this.db.doc(`childCollection/${doc.childId}`).get()))),
map(snaps => convertSnaps(snaps)),
tap(childDocs => this.childDocs = _.keyBy(childDocs, '_id'))
The problems with this approach:
I'm looking for a way that I can wait until all values have been resolved and return a single object in the following form:
parentDocs: [{}, {}, ...], // the documents
childDocs: [{}, {}, ...], // the documents
I'm open to other solutions to the problems listed above. Thanks in advance.
Is this what you are looking for? This way you don't query the database twice for parents.
map(parentDocs => _.keyBy(parentDocs, '_id')),
flatMap(parentDocs => combineLatest(, parent => this.db.docWithId$(`childDocs/${parent.childId}`))).pipe(
map(childDocs => _.keyBy(childDocs, '_id')),
map(childDocs => ({parentDocs, childDocs}))