Search code examples

Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema

I'm reading data from a csv file with 7 million rows. Sample data in that file-


And I read it like-

>>> rdd = sc.textFile("/path/to/file/*")

>>> rdd.take(2)
['"7wAfdgdfgd","7"', '"1x3Qdfgdf","1"']
# reading the RDD into a dataframe
>>> my_df = x: (x.split(","))).toDF()

# changing column names
>>> df1 = my_df.selectExpr("_1 as user_id", "_2 as hits")

|"aYk...| "7"|
|"yDQ...| "1"|
only showing top 3 rows

>>> df2 = df1.sort(col('hits').desc())

But this gives me the following error-

Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema. 2 fields are required while 18 values are provided.

I'm guessing it's the way I convert the RDD to DF. Maybe the x.split(",") is not taking into account the bad data - how do I get around this issue?


  • Going by @pault's comment, I just did the following to solve this-

    >>> rdd = sc.textFile("/path/to/file/*")
    # checking out how the data looks
    >>> rdd.take(2)
    ['"7wAfdgdfgd","7"', '"1x3Qdfgdf","1"']
    >>> my_df ="/path/to/file/*", quote='"', sep=",")
    >>> df1 = my_df.selectExpr("_c0 as user_id", "_c1 as hits")
    >>> df1 = df1.withColumn("hits", df1["hits"].cast(IntegerType()))
    >>> df2 = df1.sort(col('hits').desc())