I am having trouble passing a character string into a function that uses dplyr.
First I have a simple version that produces the output I want but is not called the way I want.
Next I show a version where I call the function they way I want to call it, even though that version does not work.
This produces the results I want:
car_column <- function(d,Column,Value,Regex) {
d %>%
filter(str_detect(car_name, regex('mazda', ignore_case = TRUE))) %>%
rename(Measurement = mpg) %>%
select(car_name, Measurement)
mtcars %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
rename(car_name = rowname) %>%
car_column(car_name, mpg, "mazda")
This codes calls the function as I want to call it. Note that "car_name" is hard coded in this function definition, but should be changed to "Column".
car_column <- function(d,Column,Value,Regex, Statistic) {
d %>%
filter(str_detect(car_name, regex(Regex, ignore_case = TRUE))) %>%
rename({{Statistic}}:= {{Value}}) %>%
select({{Column}}, {{Statistic}})
mtcars %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
rename(car_name = rowname) %>%
car_column("car_name", "mpg", "mazda","Measurement")
As the input argument is string, convert it to sym
bol and evalute (!!
car_column <- function(d,Column,Value,Regex, Statistic) {
d %>%
filter(str_detect(!! rlang::sym(Column), regex(Regex, ignore_case = TRUE))) %>%
rename({{Statistic}}:= {{Value}}) %>%
select({{Column}}, {{Statistic}})
mtcars %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
rename(car_name = rowname) %>%
car_column("car_name", "mpg", "mazda","Measurement")
# car_name Measurement
#1 Mazda RX4 21
#2 Mazda RX4 Wag 21