I want to know how many data has been downloaded in the last 1 second.
I don't have a code yet but I was wondering when I should start counting this 1 second and how to do it.
Should I start counting before retrbinary()
or after? Or am I totally wrong?
First, there are ready-made implementations for transfer progress display, including the transfer speed.
For an example, the progressbar2 module. See Show FTP download progress in Python (ProgressBar).
The progressbar2 by default displays FileTransferSpeed
widget, what is an average transfer speed since the download started.
Though note that speed displays usually do not show such speed. They display an average speed over last few seconds. That makes the value more informative. The progressbar2 has AdaptiveTransferSpeed
widget for that. But it seems to be broken.
If you want to implement the calculation on your own, and are happy with the simple average transfer speed since the download started, it is easy:
from ftplib import FTP
import time
import sys
import datetime
ftp = FTP(host, user, passwd)
total_length = 0
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
def write(data):
global total_length
global start_time
total_length += sys.getsizeof(data)
elapsed = (datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)
speed = (total_length / elapsed.total_seconds())
print("\rElapsed: {0} Speed: {1:.2f} kB/s".format(str(elapsed), speed / 1024), end="")
f = open('file.dat', 'wb')
ftp.retrbinary("RETR /file.dat", write)
It is a way more difficult to calculate the average speed in the last seconds. You have to remember the amount of data transferred at past moments. Stealing (and fixing) the code from AdaptiveTransferSpeed
, you will get something like:
sample_times = []
sample_values = []
INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100)
last_update_time = None
total_length = 0
def write(data):
global total_length
total_length += sys.getsizeof(data)
elapsed = (datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)
if sample_times:
sample_time = sample_times[-1]
sample_time = datetime.datetime.min
t = datetime.datetime.now()
if t - sample_time > INTERVAL:
# Add a sample but limit the size to `num_samples`
minimum_time = t - samples
minimum_value = sample_values[-1]
while (sample_times[2:] and
minimum_time > sample_times[1] and
minimum_value > sample_values[1]):
delta_time = sample_times[-1] - sample_times[0]
delta_value = sample_values[-1] - sample_values[0]
if delta_time:
speed = (delta_value / delta_time.total_seconds())
print("\rElapsed: {0} Speed: {1:.2f} kB/s".format(
str(elapsed), speed / 1024), end="")
ftp.retrbinary("RETR /medium.dat", write)