I have a template .xlsm file with macros and a basic structure. I need to write inside the file some user object that I have in an array. Since there are many columns that aren't used (or don't have a value corresponding in the user class), I need to write only specific cells for each row.
I came out with a basic loop like this:
wb2 = openpyxl.load_workbook(XLSM_TEMPLATE_PATH, keep_vba=True)
ws2 = wb2['Datas']
row_num = 4
i = 0
for user in users:
current_row = row_num + i
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=21).value = user.last_name
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=22).value = user.first_name
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=25).value = user.tax_code
column=30).value = user.residence_address.street_address + ', ' + user.residence_address.street_number
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=31).value = user.residence_address.city_name
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=34).value = user.email
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=38).value = user.date_of_birth
ws2.cell(row=current_row, column=39).value = user.place_of_birth
i += 1
exported_file_path = EXPORT_PATH.format(generate_random_code('.xlsm'))
The problem is that looping for 3-4 users takes about 15 second of processing time, so the Amazon lambda function (that hosts the script) times out and fails... and also increasing the work time isn't a big deal since will increase the cost too much.
There is any solution to speed up the process?
After different researches the only thing that can be done to improve the performance is to change the library with a more optimized one. I obtained better results with Pandas. It's still not "fast" but I got around -20% in computation time.