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Configure kafka topic retention policy during creation in spring-mvc?

Configure retention policy of all topics during creation

Trying to configure using spring, as I get an error of:

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.PolicyViolationException: Invalid specified. The allowed range is [3600000..2592000000] From what I've read the new value is -1 (infinity) so is out of that range

Following what was in How to configure kafka topic retention policy during creation in spring-mvc? ,I added the below code but it seems to have no effect. Any ideas/hints on how might solve this?
   public void kafkaAdmin () {
       KafkaAdmin admin = configuration.admin();
       assertThat(admin, instanceOf(KafkaAdmin.class));
   public KafkaAdmin admin() {
       Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
       configs.put(TopicConfig.RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, "1680000");
       return new KafkaAdmin(configs);


  • Found the solution by setting the value 86400000
    in application.yml.
    Our application uses spring mvc, hence the spring notation. is the value that needs to be set in the streams config
    86400000 is a random value just used as it is in range of [3600000..2592000000]