I created new connection with SharePoint in order to sync document from share point to Sitefinity.
I did manual mapping : https://www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/select-the-content-to-be-synchronized#manually
After syncing document successfully I can see the document in document library but not in content type were I can edit the synced document.
-----: UPDATE :-----
Content type is : content type is dropdown menu top on dashboard, under which my dynamic module name is shown. On clicking on that usually I can see the document list (in my old project, not now) on clicking on any document, I can edit the synced document which is not happening right now.
From document library I can't edit properties of the document which is normal (as I see in my old project)
-----: END : -----
I tried to sync document from administration -> SharePoint Site -> sync
Expected document list in content(drop down menu) -> module name.
I found solution after making call with the sitefinity team.
Go to manage site -> Configure module (your sites action drop down) -> change the module.
all the document were going inside the default. So I change it to my module name and it works !!!
Many thanks to sitefinity !!!