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Extract data in the transformed data block in a Stan file

I want to extract z in the trasformed data block from the stanfit object f. Is it possible?


 m <- stan_model(model_code = '
                            data{real x;}
                            transformed data{real z; z = chi_square_rng(x); }
                            parameters {real y;} 
                            model {y ~ normal(z,1);}')
 f <- sampling(m, data=list(x=1), iter = 100)


  • I would add a new value into generated quantities like this:

    m <- stan_model(model_code = '
                                data{real x;}
                                transformed data{real z; z = chi_square_rng(x); }
                                parameters {real y;} 
                                model {y ~ normal(z,1);}
                                generated quantities {real zhat = z;}')
    f <- sampling(m, data=list(x=1), iter = 100)

    This returns valid values

    print(f, pars = "zhat")
         mean se_mean sd 2.5%  25%  50%  75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
    zhat 0.16       0  0 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16  0.16     2 0.98

    And you can extract the values, just to show a few of the results:

    > extract(f)[["zhat"]]
      [1] 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445
      [7] 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445
     [13] 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445 0.16445