I was using reactstrap popover in my react js code . Popover is showing at topleft corner as the width of the div is almost less than 2.5px
I was using versions mentioned below "reactstrap": "^7.0.1", "react": "^16.3.2",
<Popover placement="bottom" style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgrey', textAlign: 'left', width: '235px' }} isOpen={this.props.popoverVisible} target={this.props.target}>
<div><b>Start: </b>{this.dateObject.start}</div>
<div><b>End: </b>{this.dateObject.end}</div>
![enter image description here[1]][1]
From your stackblitz in the comments, remove the border-style:solid;
property from your styles.css to get the same result as I had suggested here
relevant CSS:
background:red; height:10px; width:3px; margin-left:10%;
/* border-style:solid; */
relevant JS:
class MyPopOver extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
popoverOpen: false
onHover = () => {
popoverOpen: true,
onHoverLeave = () => {
popoverOpen: false,
render() {
return (<>
<div className='tinyDiv' id="Popover1" onMouseEnter={this.onHover}
<Popover placement="bottom" isOpen={this.state.popoverOpen} target="Popover1" style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgrey'}}>
<PopoverBody>Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.</PopoverBody>