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ERROR Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError:

I have a good intuition why this error is happening here:

<mat-button-toggle-group multiple #t="matButtonToggleGroup" (change)="d($event)">
    <mat-button-toggle checked *ngFor="let f of features" [value]=f>{{f}}</mat-button-toggle>

    [checked]="t.value.length == features.length"
    [indeterminate]="t.value.length && !(t.value.length == features.length)"
    (change)="$event.checked ? t.value = features : t.value = [];"
> all </mat-checkbox>

Im changing stuff in the template "after view initialization". Is there a TEMPLATE DRIVEN solution to get rid of this error ?

I know how I can resolve this issue by adding code to my *.TS file. Calling change detection in AfterViewInit etc, or using reactive form model on the checkbox and setting the value to true.

Is there a way I can solve this entirely in the template?

  • Well its works anyways and in production I wont get that error.


  • Using components parameters instead of template reference avoid this error :

    Add the value to the component :

     value = this.features;

    Template :

    <mat-button-toggle-group multiple (change)="d($event)" [(ngModel)]="value">
        <mat-button-toggle checked *ngFor="let f of features" [value]=f>
    [checked]="value?.length === features.length" 
    [indeterminate]="value.length && !(value.length === features.length)"
     (change)="$event.checked ? value = features : value = []" 

    Running example