So i have this IPv6 thingy issue where i can't access rubygems and connection times out before it gets to use IPv4. One way or another i managed to install rubygems and when i type -v it all checks out. Now i need Jekyll and Jekyll-paginate-v2. I tried gem install jekyll
and it didn't work for reasons stated above. Strangely enough i was able to install Jekyll via sudo apt install jekyll
. Tried that with jekyll-paginate-v2 but there's no such option. So is there any way to install it without using gem
ok so i found a way of solving this issue.
to install a gem you need a .gem file and since you can't access we will get it from github. just go to your gem's github page, download it and then open bash in that directory, type gem build gemname.gemspec
and it will create a .gem file in this directory. after that just use gem install --local gemname.gem
and that's it.