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Knex, Objection.js, How to sort by number of associations

I have an Express API using Postgres via Knex and Objection.

I want to set up a Model method or scope that returns an array of Parent model instances in order of number of associated Children.

I have looked through the Knex an Objection docs

I have seen the following SQL query that will fit, but trying to figure out how to do this in Knex:

SELECT SUM(O.TotalPrice), C.FirstName, C.LastName
  FROM [Order] O JOIN Customer C 
    ON O.CustomerId = C.Id
 GROUP BY C.FirstName, C.LastName


  • This is how it should be done with knex (

    function sum(colName) {
      return knex.raw('SUM(??)', [colName]);
    knex('Order as O')
      .select(sum('O.TotalPrice'), 'C.FirstName', 'C.LastName')
      .join('Customer C', 'O.CustomerId', 'C.Id')
      .groupBy('C.FirstName', 'C.LastName')
      .orderBy(sum('O.TotalPrice'), 'desc')
    // Outputs: 
    // select SUM("O"."TotalPrice"), "C"."FirstName", "C"."LastName" 
    //   from "Order" as "O" 
    //   inner join "Customer C" on "O"."CustomerId" = "C"."Id" 
    //   group by "C"."FirstName", "C"."LastName" 
    //   order by SUM("O"."TotalPrice") desc

    But if you are really using objection.js then you should setup models for your Order and Customer tables and do something like this:

    await Order.query()
      .select(sum('TotalPrice'), 'c.FirstName', 'c.LastName')
      .joinRelated('customer as c')
      .groupBy('c.FirstName', 'c.LastName')
      .orderBy(sum('TotalPrice'), 'desc')