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Vue test component: Can't select element from a snackbar

I'm really confused when using Vue services to test. My test issue is related to vue, vuetify, vuex, vuei18n.

I will summary my set-up test here (I also noted the failed step in it) :

import Vue from "vue";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
import VueI18n from "vue-i18n";
import store from "@/store/index";
import Login from "@/views/Login.vue";

beforeEach(() => {
  i18n = new VueI18n({
    messages: { fr, en, vi }
  Constructor = Vue.extend(Login);

describe("Login.vue", () => {
test("should translate helper message when failing in login", () => {
    i18n.locale = "en";
    vm = new Constructor({ store, i18n }).$mount();

    vm.$el.querySelector("input[type='email']").value = "incorrect user";
    vm.$el.querySelector("input[type='password']").value = "incorrect password";

    const message = vm.$el.querySelector(".v-snack__content").textContent;

    console.log(111, message); <-- I can't get any string here
    expect(message).toEqual("Login error, please retry");

The button I click run this function

** Login.vue

  <v-btn type="submit" :disabled="logMeIn || !valid" :loading="logMeIn" @click="login">{{$t("Login")}}</v-btn>

methods: {
  login: async function() {
    } catch (e) {
      this.$store.dispatch("ui/displaySnackbar", {
        message: this.$i18n.t("Login error, please retry")

We use Vuex to render this component:

** Snackbar.vue

  <v-snackbar v-model="" :color="snackbar.color" :timeout="snackbar.timeout">
    {{ snackbar.message }}
    <v-btn dark flat @click=" = false">{{ $t("Close") }}</v-btn>

import { mapState } from "vuex";

export default {
  name: "Snackbar",
  computed: {
    ...mapState("ui", ["snackbar"])

My question is: Why vm.$el.querySelector can't access element in Snackbar.vue. I need it to test some texts inside


  • It has just not done async login my guess is here. Test if login has been called and test the login method in its own unit - currently its a weird approach to test the login method.


    describe("clicked submit", function clickedSubmit(){
      it("should call vm.login", function(){
    describe("vm.login", function(){
        describe("called with invalid userdata & invalid pass", function(){
          it("should invalidate", async function(){
            await vm.login(...args)  
            await vm.$nextTick()
            expect(vm.message).toBe("target value")