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Survminer, survival package: What is the difference between the "survdiff" log-rank and "regular" log-rank tests?

I am using the survminer survival package in R. To compute p values to compare survival curves, I am using the surf_pvalue function.

With this function, you can determine the log-rank p value in two different ways. One is called "survdiff", the other "1" or "LR". See this link for more info. The second says that it is a "regular log-rank test, sensitive to detect late differences", but what are the differences between the two. Does anyone know?

Thank you.


  • The methods "survdiff", "log-rank", "LR", "1" all give the same results.

    Here is a minimal & reproducible example

    fit <- surv_fit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = colon)
    methods <- c("survdiff", "log-rank", "LR", "1")
    purrr::imap(setNames(methods, methods), ~surv_pvalue(fit, method = .x))
    #  variable      pval   method pval.txt
    #1      sex 0.6107936 Log-rank p = 0.61
    #  variable      pval   method pval.txt
    #1      sex 0.6107936 Log-rank p = 0.61
    #  variable      pval   method pval.txt
    #1      sex 0.6107936 Log-rank p = 0.61
    #  variable      pval   method pval.txt
    #1      sex 0.6107936 Log-rank p = 0.61

    If we take a look at the source code of survminer we see that

    allowed.methods <- c("survdiff", "log-rank", "LR", "1",
                           "n", "Gehan-Breslow", "GB",
                           "sqrtN", "Tarone-Ware", "TW",
                           "S1", "Peto-Peto", "PP",
                           "S2", "modified Peto-Peto", "mPP",
                           "FH_p=1_q=1", "Fleming-Harrington(p=1, q=1)", "FH")
    method.names <- c(rep("survdiff", 4),
                    rep(c("n", "sqrtN", "S1", "S2", "FH_p=1_q=1"), each = 3))

    All four methods are unified as method.names = "survdiff".