All of the material I can find on Kotlin exposed library assumes that the table has a primary identity column, and so the entities are in most examples shown inherit the IntEntity
abstract class. For Example:
class UserLocation(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity(id) {
companion object : IntEntityClass<UserLocation>(UserLocations)
var userId by UserLocations.userId
var user by User referencedOn UserLocations.user
var recordedAt by UserLocations.recordedAt
var insertedAt by UserLocations.insertedAt
var point by UserLocations.point
And that corresponds to this table definition:
object UserLocations : IntIdTable("user_locations") {
val userId = integer("user_id")
val user = reference("user_id", Users)
val recordedAt = datetime("recorded_at").nullable()
val insertedAt = datetime("inserted_at")
val point = point("point")
The problem is, my table actually doesn't have an identity column. I know all the negative ramifications of a table not having a primary key, but unfortunately I only have read access to this table. I cannot get write access to this table to add a primary key.
At one point in the wiki of the exposed library it mentions that the object table definition can inherit Table
instead of IntIdTable
, however that would require that the entity inherit something different and I can't quite find what the entity should inherit instead of IntEntity
My Question: What should my entity inherit (instead of IntEntity
) when the table has no id column.
Exposed DAO requires some identity to fetch and store entities from a table. It doesn't require to be a primary or auto-increment column but in that case, you have to ensure that the values in that column are unique.
For example, you may map Entity to a Table with String id:
object FooTable : IdTable<String>() {
val myIdColumn = varchar("my_id_column", 50).uniqueIndex()
override val id: Column<EntityID<String>> = myIdColumn.entityId()
class FooEntity(id: String) : Entity<String>(id) {
companion object : EntityClass<String, FooEntity>(FooTable)