So I have 2 questions which I think should be basic for people experienced in PySpark, but I can't seem to solve them.
Sample entries in my csv
file are-
I create the following dataframe-
|"aYk...| "7"|
|"yDQ...| "1"|
only showing top 3 rows
First, is this the right way to convert hits
column to IntegerType()
? Why are all values becoming null
>>> df2 = df2.withColumn("hits", df2["hits"].cast(IntegerType()))
only showing top 3 rows
Second, I need to sort this list in descending order with respect to hits
column. So, I tried this-
>>> df1 = df2.sort(col('hits').desc())
But I get the following error-
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema. 2 fields are required while 18 values are provided.
I'm guessing it's due to the fact that I create my dataframe using-
>>> rdd = sc.textFile("/path/to/file/*")
>>> rdd.take(2)
['"7wAfdgdfgd","7"', '"1x3Qdfgdf","1"']
>>> my_df = x: (x.split(","))).toDF()
>>> df2 = my_df.selectExpr("_1 as user_id", "_2 as hits")
|"aYk...| "7"|
|"yDQ...| "1"|
only showing top 3 rows
And I'm guessing there's extra commas in some rows. How do I avoid this - or what's the best way to read this file?
So, w.r.t @SanBan answer, I came up with the following results-
>>> rdd = sc.textFile("/home/jsanghvi/work/buffer/*")
>>> schema = StructType([StructField ("user_id", StringType(), True), StructField ("hits", StringType(), True)])
>>> my_rdd = x: x.replace("'","")).map(lambda x: x.split(",")).map(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]))
>>> my_rdd2 = x: str(x).replace("'","").replace("(", "").replace(")", "")).map(lambda x: x.split(",")).map(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]))
>>> df1 = spark.createDataFrame(my_rdd2, schema)
>>> dfx = df1.sort(col('hits').desc())
| user_id| hits|
| "user_id"| "_col1"|
| "AAESjk66lDk...| "9999"|
| "ABexsk6sLlc...| "9999"|
| "AAgb1k65pHI...| "9999"|
# removing garbage rows
>>> dfx = df2.filter(~col("hits").isin(["_col1", "EXPANDABLE_AUTOM..."]))