i'm trying to upload an apk to server the code i used to upload using curl is written like this:
curl -u "musername:mypass" -X POST "https://myurl/upload" -F "file=@D:\path\to\location.apk"
i tried to make a script using python with requests
library like this:
response = requests.post(
files={"file" : open(self.apkLocation, 'r')},
auth=(self.BSUsername, self.BSToken)
but it gives me errors:
{"error":"Malformed archive"}
anyone knows why this erros appeared?
Have you had a chance to try something like below?
import requests
files = {
'file': ('/path/to/app/file/Application-debug.apk', open('/path/to/app/file/Application-debug.apk', 'rb')),
response = requests.post('https://api-cloud.browserstack.com/app-automate/upload',
auth=('BSUsername ', 'BSToken'))
print (response.text)#THE APP URL (bs://<hashed appid>) RETURNED IN THE RESPONSE OF THIE CALL
Check the BrowserStack REST API doc here