I have an application processing live frames from a camera that then spits out the result frame with imshow. When running on the local machine it all runs smoothly.
However, I need to call this application over SSH and still see the video somehow(doesn't need to be over ssh). Currently the application just works over X11 forwarding, but the frame rates are abysmal and theres a huge delay.
Is there a better way to do this that would minimize lag and latency?
I tried several methods of improving the performance of OpenCV's imshow()
over an ssh
connection. I am using a Mac as my local dekstop and a Raspberry Pi4 as the remote machine that I ssh
into and which is generating the images for display on my Mac.
connectionI tried using:
ssh -o 'Compression no' pi4
and that resulted in around 6-8% throughput improvement, so it is hardly likely to be enough.
I read that arcfour
uses less resources and allows you to achieve higher throughput. Unfortunately, I tried that and it is not available on Raspbian, nor are there any other lightweight ciphers, it seems. I used this command to check the available cipers on the Raspberry Pi:
ssh -Q cipher
tunnelAs I failed to find a way to improve the ssh
throughput, I decided to send the X11 unencrypted, rather than through the ssh
tunnel. That meant I ran the following on the Mac to allow the X server to listen for direct connections and also to tell it to allow remote hosts to use it:
defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 nolisten_tcp -bool false
xhost +
Then I ssh
into the Raspberry Pi without using ssh -X
or ssh -Y
and ran:
That resulted in somewhat better performance, but it was still not ground-breaking.
I then decided to use Redis which is a very high performance, in-memory data-structure server. It is simple to install on a Mac or any other machine. It allows you to share atomic integers, strings, lists, hashes, queues, sets and ordered sets between any number of clients across a network. So, I simply JPEG-encode and send each frame of video from the Raspberry Pi to Redis and then pick the frames up on my Mac as fast as I can and display them. It works silky-smooth and does 256 frames of 640x480 colour video in around 3 seconds, so 80 fps.
So here is the DisplayServer
I run on my Mac. It just grabs the latest image as fast as it can and displays it:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ImageTransferService
import numpy as np
import cv2
if __name__ == "__main__":
host = ''
src = ImageTransferService.ImageTransferService(host)
# Check Redis is running
while True:
im = src.receiveImage()
Here is the code I run on the Raspberry Pi that sends images:
import numpy as np
import ImageTransferService
if __name__ == "__main__":
host = ''
RemoteDisplay = ImageTransferService.ImageTransferService(host)
# Check remote display is up
# Create BGR image
w, h = 640, 480
im = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8)
for c in range(256):
im[:,:,0] = c
And here is the glue code that hides Redis and provides a way to send, receive and buffer images:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import redis
import cv2
import numpy as np
class ImageTransferService:
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379):
self.port = port
self.host = host
self.conn = redis.Redis(host,port)
self.frameNum = 0
def ping(self):
return self.conn.ping()
def sendImage(self,im, name='latest', Q=75):
_, JPEG = cv2.imencode(".JPG", im, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), Q])
myDict = { 'frameNum': self.frameNum, 'Data':JPEG.tobytes() }
self.conn.hmset(name, myDict)
self.frameNum += 1
def receiveImage(self,name='latest'):
myDict = self.conn.hgetall(name)
Data = myDict.get(b'Data')
im = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(Data,dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return im
As Redis has many bindings, you can access the frames of data and look into Redis or write stuff into Redis from PHP, Python, C/C++, PHP or even the command-line. So, the line below, when run in the shell, will grab the latest frame of your video, for example:
redis-cli hgetall latest
Here is a little video of the code in action, it simply increments the Blue channel from 0 through 255 to produce 255 frames. As you see, it goes from the Raspberry Pi (in the lower Terminal window) to the Mac (in the upper Terminal window running the DisplayServer code) in around 3s.
I also did a version using sockets to transfer the JPEG-encoded images and that was nearly as fast but somewhat uglier, and also less flexible and unbuffered and also not as controllable or debuggable from outside like Redis is.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, display, remote display, X11, tunnel, ssh, DISPLAY, Redis, buffer, image, image processing, performance, XQuartz, listen, incoming, connections.