I want to fill a new column that is based on the previous value of the column itself (of which the 1st value I set at 1) and the value of event.
Obs event enum
1056 1 1
1059 1 NA
1070 0 NA
1054 1 NA
1034 0 NA
This should become :
Obs event enum
1056 1 1
1059 1 2
1070 0 2
1054 1 3
1034 0 3
So far I have tried with lag()
test_model$enum <- mutate(test_model, enum = (lag(enum) + event))
However, this results in the column filled with the observations of a different column in test_model (Obs).
Obs event enum
1056 1 1056
1059 1 1059
1070 0 1070
1054 1 1054
1034 0 1034
Any idea how this happens & What way I should approach my objective?
I think you are lookig for the cumsum() function.
test_model <- data.frame(Obs = c(1056,1059,1070,1054,1034),
event = c(1,1,0,1,0))
test_model$enum <- cumsum(test_model$event)
#Or using the tidyverse
test_model <- test_model %>% mutate(enum = cumsum(event))