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How to change existing triggers to be with 'not for replication' in merge replication in SQL Server?

How to make a script that will change all triggers in a database to be NOT FOR REPLICATION? Is there a system procedure for it or we need to parse its definition and inject NOT FOR REPLICATION?


  • Yes, manually, but first I would try this way:

    proc [dbo].[db_compare_make_trigger_NOT_FOR_REPLICATION_sp]
    declare cur cursor fast_forward for
    select, definition, is_disabled, OBJECT_NAME(parent_id)
    from sys.triggers st join
        sys.sql_modules sm on st.object_id = sm.object_id
    where is_ms_shipped = 0 
        and is_not_for_replication = 0
        and parent_id > 0
    declare @name nvarchar(127), @definition nvarchar(max), @is_disabled bit, @table nvarchar(127)
    open cur
    fetch next from cur into @name, @definition, @is_disabled, @table
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        declare @sql nvarchar(max) = null
        declare @name_bckp nvarchar(127) = '__' + @name + N'_' + replace(replace(replace(replace(CONVERT(nvarchar,getdate(), 126), '-', '_'), ':', '_'), '.', '_'), 'T', '_')
        PRINT @NAME + ' ON ' + @table
        set @sql = dbo.RegExReplace(@definition, 'AS\s+BEGIN', ' NOT FOR REPLICATION' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'AS' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'BEGIN')
        if charindex('NOT FOR REPLICATION', @sql) = 0
            set @sql = dbo.RegExReplace(@definition, 'AS\s+SET NOCOUNT ON', ' NOT FOR REPLICATION' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'AS' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'SET NOCOUNT ON')
        if charindex('NOT FOR REPLICATION', @sql) > 0
        begin try
            --BCKP it
            exec sys.sp_rename @NAME, @name_bckp
            set @definition = 'DISABLE TRIGGER [' + @name_bckp + '] ON [' + @table + ']'
            execute sp_executesql @definition
            --create it
            execute sp_executesql @sql
            --set previous state
            if @is_disabled = 1
                set @definition = 'DISABLE TRIGGER [' + @NAME + '] ON [' + @table + ']'
                set @definition = 'ENABLE TRIGGER [' + @NAME + '] ON [' + @table + ']'
            execute sp_executesql @definition
            set @definition = 'DROP TRIGGER [' + @name_bckp + ']'
            execute sp_executesql @definition
            print 'DONE!'
        end try
        begin catch 
            declare @msg nvarchar(4000) = ERROR_MESSAGE()
            declare @esv int = error_severity()
            declare @est int = error_state()
            declare @lin int = error_line()
            insert into db_log (dateCreated, msg, Level, State, Line, additional)
            values(getdate(), @msg, @esv, @est, @lin, @NAME)
            print 'ERROR check db_log: ' + @msg
        end catch
        fetch next from cur into @name, @definition, @is_disabled, @table
    close cur
    deallocate cur

    And remained triggers I would do manually.

    for this to work you will need: CLR Assembly RegEx Functions for SQL Server