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ScrollView with a table automatically goes to bottom

For a project, I am showing data in a table, the newest data is the most relevant, so I want that to be the most visible, but it should also be possible to see the earlier data.

The following code contains the view with a scrollbar:

    width: parent.width headerWrapper.bottom
    height:parent.height - headerWrapper.height

    ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn;
    clip: true

        id: table
        columnSpacing: 1
        rowSpacing: 1
        clip: true
        implicitHeight: column.height - 33
        implicitWidth: column.width
        model: modelItem
        delegate: compColored
        onContentHeightChanged: {
            //new data has come in I want to scroll to the bottom
            console.log("update scroll to bottom" )

I know exactly where to put the code, but I do not know how I can make the scrollbar go to the bottom or how to set the position of the scrollbar.

How I can set the position of the scrollbar?


  • As TableView inherits Flickable, you can reposition the contentItem within the viewport simply by:

    onContentHeightChanged: {
        table.contentY = table.contentHeight - table.height

    and the Flickable's contentItem bottom area will be visible in the viewport.