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Laravel 5.7 custom URL with multiple parameter

I have this problem where i need to get this kind of url localhost:8000/purchaseOrder/3/purchase/1 if i typed it manually it worked but when i make the laravel automatically create the url it got error and end up with localhost:8000/purchaseOrder/$data-%3Eid/payable/$p-%3Eid

this are my routing

Route::get('/purchaseOrder/{id}/payable/{he}', 'AjaxController@purchaseOrder');

this are my controller (so far all i wanted is just respond to the url i gave)

function purchaseOrder($id,$he)
  echo $id." | ".$he;

this are my view

<a href="{{ url('purchaseOrder/$data->id/payable/$p->id') }}"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm my-1" name="button">Create Purchase Order</button></a><br>


  • change view code :

    <a href="{{ url('purchaseOrder/'.$data->id.'/payable/'.$p->id.') }}"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm my-1" name="button">Create Purchase Order</button></a><br>

    another way is this:

    set name for route

    Route::get('/purchaseOrder/{id}/payable/{he}', 'AjaxController@purchaseOrder')->name('purchaseOrder');

    and in view:

    <a href="{{ route('purchaseOrder',[$data->id,$p->id]) }}">