I have a list of position coordinates given in UK grid reference format (X,Y) and I would like to convert them into latitude and longitude.
I am using OSGridConverter (python library) but is not converting it correctly. For example, one input for one location is X = 517393.6563 and Y = 194035.5469.
from OSGridConverter import grid2latlong
l=grid2latlong('TG 517393.6563 194035.5469')
The above, gives me an error: OSGridConverter error: Invalid grid reference
Therefore, which is wrong, I try:
>>>l=grid2latlong('TG 517393 194035')
(52.71367793063314, 1.7297510074170983)
Which ends with a location out in UK, which is not correct. Most probably is due data formats, but I am not sure about how to solve it.
You should probably use something like pyproj:
import pyproj
crs_british = pyproj.Proj(init='EPSG:27700')
crs_wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init='EPSG:4326')
long, lat = pyproj.transform(crs_british, crs_wgs84, 517393.6563, 194035.5469)
print(lat, long)
In your case this will give: 51.63289090467179, -0.3052119183057834