I'm trying to implement the paypal into my site. But I'm getting this error .
Type error: Argument 1 passed to PayPal\Rest\ApiContext::setConfig() must be of the type array, null given, called in D:\wamp64\www\vonservices\app\Http\Controllers\PaymentController.php on line 40 . Here is my controller code :
class PaymentController extends Controller
private $_api_context;
* Create a new controller instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
/** setup PayPal api context **/
$paypal_conf = \Config::get('paypal');
$this->_api_context = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($paypal_conf['client_id'], $paypal_conf['secret']));
* Show the application paywith paypalpage.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function payWithPaypal()
return view('paywithpaypal');
* Store a details of payment with paypal.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
is an old way to find data in config. Try use config('paypal')
and php artisan config:cache
before using it.