I am very new to Object-Relational Databases and Oracle and am trying to insert Subtype values into a table. I am unsure whether it is a syntax error when creating the tables or when inserting them so any help would be great.
It's a music database and have been instructed that there must be 2 subtypes from the table; ALBUM with one varray and one nested table (so any alternate design will not help here).
create or replace type artist_type as object
(artistName varchar(50),
artistRole varchar(25))
create type artist_array_type
as varray(5) of artist_type
create or replace type review_type as object
(reviewerName varchar(25),
reviewDate date,
reviewText varchar(250),
reviewScore number)
create or replace type review_table_type as table of review_type
create or replace type album_type as object
(albumTitle varchar(50),
albumPlaytime number(3), -- minutes
albumReleaseDate date,
albumGenre varchar(15),
albumPrice number(9,2),
albumTracks number(2),
albumArtists artist_array_type,
albumReviews review_table_type,
member function discountPrice return number,
member function containsText (pString1 varchar2, pString2 varchar2) return integer)
not final
create or replace type disk_type under album_type
( mediaType varchar(10),
diskNum number(2), -- number of disks
diskUsedPrice number(9,2),
diskDeliveryCost number(9,2),
overriding member function discountPrice return number)
create or replace type mp3_type under album_type
(downloadSize number, -- size in MB
overriding member function discountPrice return number)
-- create tables --
create table albums of album_type
object id system generated
nested table albumReviews store as store_reviews
I have tried the following:
insert into albums (albumTitle , albumPlaytime, albumReleaseDate, albumGenre, albumPrice, albumTracks, albumArtists)
values (mp3_type('The Essential Bob Dylan', 99, '8-Jul-2016', 'Pop', 37.00, 32, artist_array_type(artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Composer'), artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Vocals')), 165));
and with removing the columns:
insert into albums
values (mp3_type('The Essential Bob Dylan', 99, '8-Jul-2016', 'Pop', 37.00, 32, artist_array_type(artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Composer'), artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Vocals')), 165));
Also, adding the nested table values albumReviews did not work either:
insert into albums
values (mp3_type('The Essential Bob Dylan',
artist_array_type(artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Composer'), artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Vocals')),
review_table_type('Shawn', '24-Jul-2018', 'Wife loved it!', 5),
Again, I'm not fully across ORDs and probably missing something, but any help is appreciated!
Your second INSERT
is missing the albumReviews
values. Simply adding a NULL
before the last number will make this statement work:
insert into albums
values (mp3_type('The Essential Bob Dylan', 99, '8-Jul-2016', 'Pop', 37.00, 32, artist_array_type(artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Composer'), artist_type('Bob Dylan', 'Vocals')), null, 165));
A few lessons here: