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Mongo go driver's DocumentCount does not support $nearSphere

I am working on geo location query where I want to get total number of collections that satisfy geo location query. Mongo go library provides Document Count method with doesn't support filter based on geo location.

The error I am getting is: (BadValue) $geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context

filter := bson.D{
        Key: "address.location",
        Value: bson.D{
                Key: "$nearSphere",
                Value: bson.D{
                        Key: "$geometry",
                        Value: bson.D{
                                Key:   "type",
                                Value: "Point",
                                Key:   "coordinates",
                                Value: bson.A{query.Longitude, query.Latitude},
                        Key:   "$maxDistance",
                        Value: maxDistance,
collection := db.Database("catalog").Collection("restaurant")
totalCount, findError := collection.CountDocuments(ctx, filter)


  • (BadValue) $geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context

    You're getting this message due to the restricted use of db.collection.countDocuments().

    The method countDocuments() essentially wraps aggregation pipeline $match and $group. See The Mechanics of countDocuments() for more information. There are a number of query operators that are restricted : Query Restrictions, one of them being $nearSphere operator.

    An alternative is to use [$geoWithin] and $centerSphere:

    filter := bson.D{ 
      { Key: "address.location", 
        Value: bson.D{ 
            { Key: "$geoWithin", 
                Value: bson.D{ 
                    { Key: "$centerSphere", 
                      Value: bson.A{ 
                                bson.A{ query.Longitude, query.Latitude } , 

    Note that the maxDistance in spherical geometry has to be in a radius. You need to convert the distance, for example 10/6378.1 for 10 kilometres please see Calculate Distance using Spherical Geometry for more information.

    Also worth mentioning that although $centerSphere works without having a geospatial index, geospatial indexes support much faster queries than the unindexed equivalents.