I'm trying to migrate my Umbraco 7.13 to Umbraco 8.1. I'm using this guide. I've succesfully completed step 1 so my site is now using version 7.14. I've set my connectionstring and i changed the version in my web.config to 7.14.0 but when i lauch it it will go to a login screen where I can't login to authorize the upgrade (url is http://localhost:59950/umbraco/AuthorizeUpgrade?redir=%2finstall%2f%3fredir%3dtrue%26url%3dhttp%253a%252f%252flocalhost%253a59950%252fumbraco#/login/false?returnPath=%252Fcontent). I can't login with the account created in the setup, which is logicall cause I'm using a different database now, and I can't login using the accounts made in 7.13.
I've stumbled across this issue and tried the suggested solve but that didn't work for me. Can someone help me?
It sounds like it is the actual problem mentioned in that github issue.
Could you please verify that in your web.config of your new site, you have the same settings/attributes in UsersMembershipProvider
as you do on your v7 site.
Also make sure that if you have entered a custom machinekey in your web.config - this needs to be the same in the new v8 site in order to hash passwords the same way (and validate your login).