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Is there a receive shadow only in a-frame

I'm trying to create a plane that will receive a shadow but will be invisible to the camera in order to make a 3d model look like floating

tried to make material transparent

     <!-- this is the shadow system -->
    <a-entity light="type: ambient; intensity: 0.5;"></a-entity>
     <a-entity light="type: directional;
               castShadow: true;
               intensity: 1;
               shadowCameraVisible: true;"
        position="0 0 5"></a-entity>

        <!-- the models -->
        <a-asset-item id="animated-asset" src=""  ></a-asset-item>

        <a-marker id='animated-marker' type='pattern' preset='custom' url=''>

                   <a-entity animation-mixer="loop: repeat" gltf-model='#animated-asset' 
            scale="1 1 1"
            shadow="cast: true"
            rotation="-90 0 0"></a-entity>

        <a-circle id="ground" radius="7" rotation="-90 0 0" position="0 -2 0" shadow="receive: true"  ></a-circle>

    <a-entity camera ></a-entity>

I expect to get a shadow only on a surface


  • Yes, this is definitely possible, but you need to do a bit of threejs programming to make it work.

    Here is an example of shadow casting the normal way:

    note that you must set the light to cast shadows, and you must place a shadow component on the shadow caster and receiver. You adjust the quality of the shadow in the scene entity. <a-scene shadow="type: pcfsoft">

    The shadow is clearly visible, but plane is not transparent.

    To achieve the desired effect( visible shadow with transparent object), you must use the THREEjs shadow material.

    Aframe does not provide access to this directly, but you can make a custom component that creates the material for you. Here is an example of that.