I want to number equations in a document created using r markdown, output to pdf but I want to include the chapter number in the equation numbering.
I have followed the instructions as shown in https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/markdown-extensions-by-bookdown.html#equations
The labels in the link include the chapter number but mine don't.
number_sections: true
fig_caption: yes
title: "Test equation nos"
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
# Chapter 1
I would like this equation to be numbered (1.1) but it is just labelled (1)
e = mc^2
# Chapter 2
I would like this equation to be numbered (2.1) but it is labelled (2)
e^{i\pi}+1 = 0
I would like the equations to be numbered (1.1) and (2.1) they are actually labelled (1) (2)
By default bookdown::pdf_docuemnt2
uses the LaTeX article
class, which does not have any chapters. If you explicitly change this to use book
or report
class, the equations will be appropriately numbered:
number_sections: true
fig_caption: yes
title: "Test equation nos"
documentclass: book
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
# Chapter 1
I would like this equation to be numbered (1.1) but it is just labelled (1)
e = mc^2
# Chapter 2
I would like this equation to be numbered (2.1) but it is labelled (2)
e^{i\pi}+1 = 0
However, this will result in a much longer document, since chapters start on a new page etc. If you are interested in a article
like document with equations numbered per section, you can adept this answer:
number_sections: true
fig_caption: yes
title: "Test equation nos"
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
- \usepackage{amsmath}
- \numberwithin{equation}{section}
# Chapter 1
I would like this equation to be numbered (1.1) but it is just labelled (1)
e = mc^2
# Chapter 2
I would like this equation to be numbered (2.1) but it is labelled (2)
e^{i\pi}+1 = 0
You can put these commands also in a preamble .tex
file if you are using one.