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Last item of array is returned when a function is called from another php file

I am a novice in PHP. I want return an array from a function in one php file and access the elements of array in another php file.

Issue I am facing is when I run the source file and print elements of array then I was able to see all tags in console but when I return the array and print it in another php file then only one item is returned or no items are returned.

source file.php


// Load the Google API PHP Client Library.
require_once 'C:/xxxx/google-api-php-client-2.2.4/vendor/autoload.php';

function getTags(){

    $KEY_FILE_LOCATION = 'C:/xxx/service-account-credentials.json';

        'dimensions' => 'ga:dimension5,ga:dimension2',
        'filters' => 'ga:dimension5==123456'
    $results =  $analytics->data_ga->get(
        'ga:' . 123456,

        $rows = $results->getRows();
        $StoreTags = array();


            $ExtractTag_arr = explode(',',$rows[$i][1]);



        $unique_tags = array_unique($StoreTags);
        $Unique_tags_Values = array_values(array_filter($unique_tags));
        $Count_UniqueTags = count($Unique_tags_Values);


            $Count_Occurances = 0;
            $UniqueTags_Value = $Unique_tags_Values[$a];

            for ($k=0;$k<$Count_StoreTags;$k++){

                if ($UniqueTags_Value == $StoreTags[$k]){

                    $Count_Occurances = $Count_Occurances+1;
                    $Count_Occurances = $Count_Occurances+0;


           $Display_Tags=array($Unique_tags_Values[$a], $Count_Occurances);

            return  $Display_Tags;


Target file:

include 'Source.php';

get_tags = getTags();

When I run the target.php returns nothing and if I run source.php without return statement and can print all items in $Display_Tags


  • 1.get_tags = getTags(); is incorrect, needs to be $get_tags = getTags();.

    2.Print_r(getTags()); needs to be print_r(getTags());

    3.To overcome your issue put return $Display_Tags; outside of the for() loop in your function getTags().

    include 'Source.php';
    $get_tags = getTags();