some qutsions about cplex intermediate variable define and solutions export need your help.
'MC from SheetRead(my_sheet, "SCmodel!b3:m26"); //MC[m][n] is parameters ;'
'how to define parameter EC[m][n], in which EC = 19.6-17*MC; '
'dvar float+ X[m][n];'
'how to define variable Y[m][n], in which Y = X * MC + MD.....'
about questions 1 and 3 you should use SheetRead and SheetWrite.
Within CPLEX you have a full example at CPLEX_Studio129\opl\examples\opl\oil
about question 2
range m=1..4;
range n=1..3;
dvar float+ X[m][n];
dvar float+ Y[m][n];
float MC=1;
float MD=2;
subject to
forall(i in m,j in n) Y[i][j]==X[i][j]*MC+MD;