I have some .csv
files with data of different lengths. I need to load some defined columns, sort them and resample to the same length (100%).
I have written some defined nested loops to sort the data, but the resampling function doesn't work in the end.
subjects = ['S01_']
conditions = ['Shoe1_', 'Shoe2_']
trials = ['Run_1', 'Run_2','Run_3']
results_GRF_AP = np.empty(shape=(100,6))*np.NaN
results_GRF_ML = np.empty(shape=(100,6))*np.NaN
results_GRF_VERT = np.empty(shape=(100,6))*np.NaN
results_AnkPower = np.empty(shape=(100,6))*np.NaN
ind = 0
for s, subject in enumerate(subjects):
for c, condition in enumerate(conditions):
for t, trial in enumerate(trials):
ind += 1
filename = path + subject + condition + trial + extension
data2 = pd.read_csv(filename,delimiter = ';')
except Exception as err:
print(filename, err)
print(filename, 'loaded')
threshold = 30 ## defined threshold value in Newton from vertical GRF
signal = np.array(data2[:,4])
indices_bigger_than_threshold = np.where(signal > threshold)[0] # get item
non_consecutive = np.where(np.diff(indices_bigger_than_threshold) != 1)[0]+1 # +1 for selecting the next
first_bigger_than_threshold1 = np.zeros_like(signal, dtype=np.bool)
first_bigger_than_threshold1[indices_bigger_than_threshold[0]] = True # retain the first
first_bigger_than_threshold1[indices_bigger_than_threshold[non_consecutive]] = True
indices_bigger_than_threshold = np.array(indices_bigger_than_threshold)
GRF_AP = (data2[indices_bigger_than_threshold,2])
GRF_ML = (data2[indices_bigger_than_threshold,3])
GRF_VERT= (data2[indices_bigger_than_threshold,4])
Ank_Power = (data2[indices_bigger_than_threshold,28])
GRF_AP_Norm = signal.resample(GRF_AP,100)
GRF_ML_Norm = signal.resample(GRF_ML,100)
GRF_VERT_Norm= signal.resample(GRF_VERT,100)
Ank_Power_Norm = signal.resample(Ank_Power,100)
# taking one column from the loaded .csv file to store in the results parameter.
results_GRF_AP[:,ind-1] = GRF_AP_Norm
results_GRF_ML[:,ind-1] = GRF_ML_Norm
results_GRF_VERT[:,ind-1] = GRF_VERT_Norm
results_AnkPower[:,ind-1] = Ank_Power_Norm
All the parts work individually, but in the loop I get an error
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarry' object has no attribute 'resample'
If I run from scipy import signal and then uses the resample on the loaded subject, condition and trial it works.
I think your problem is that you are overwriting the signal function from scipy with the variable that you call signal:
signal = np.array(data2[:,4])
If you rename your variable it should be fixed.