I am going through python crash course book and i want to import a module that i have written its function and saved it properly in the path. using pycharm, python 3.7
I have properly written the code and i know it exists(the attribute) in the imported module.
the code is this:
def make_pizza(size, *toppings):
"""Summarize the pizza we are about to make."""
print(f"\nMaking a {size}-inch pizza with the following toppings:")
for topping in toppings:
print(f"- {topping}")
but i get this error AttributeError: module 'pizza' has no attribute 'make_pizza'
I dont know what to do,i really need to solve this problem to be able to continue my learning.
You should save your module and then check for the directory structure, if it is like,
Then try this for importing pizza module in another python program:
from pizza import pizza
I hope this helps. This maybe because of your package structure.