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How to return different class object depending on some condition?

I have method where I create class object depending on some condition and want to return only that object which satisfies the condition. In the return method I need to call that object's class method

I can do with object, dynamic, or Tuple but how can we do with reflection or some other method to return only one object?

public dynamic GetInvokeType(string id)
    log.Info("GetInvokeType(): " + id);

    if (id.ToLower() == "cm")
        BCMSDashboardManager b = new BCMSDashboardManager();
        return b;

        SIPManager s = new SIPManager();                
        return s;


In the returned method, I will be calling its method based on the returned class object. So, I want to return only one object, not in Tuple, object, or dynamic type.


  • You should read a bit about factory pattern.

    Shortly, you should do smth like this:

    • Create common interface IManager for you manager (SIPManager, ...)
    • some method which will return instance of class (which implements IManager interface)

      // Common interface with desired methods
      public interface IManager
          void Manage();
      public class BCMSDashboardManager : IManager
          public void Manage()
      public class SIPManager : IManager
          public void Manage()

    And now you could create factory method, which returns instances of specific class

    public IManager GetInvokeType(string id)
        switch (id.ToUpperInvariant())
            case "CM":
                return new BCMSDashboardManager();
                return new SIPManager();