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How can I get my table to display grouped data properly?

I thought I fixed this issue earlier but I was wrong. I have an array of objects that I was able to group with lodash. I then created a summary table out of it, or so I thought. My summary table needed to look similar to this

enter image description here

It's just grouped by 'program' and shows a breakdown of each company within the 'program'.

Unfortunately, the company doesn't show nor is it a break down of each company as shown in the link above. I believe my buildSummary() method is the problem. I've been dealing with this the past two days and can't think straight.

Here's a snippet of my code:

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
    myData: myData,
    companiesSummary: {},
    myObjData: ''
  created: function(){
  methods: {
    groupData: function(d){
      return _.groupBy(d, "program");
    buildSummary: function(){
      this.myObjData = this.groupData(this.myData)
      for (const company of Object.keys(this.myObjData)) {
        this.companiesSummary[company] = {
          totalCount: 0,
          expectedFunding: 0,
          fundedOnIKNS: 0,

        for (const { TotalCount, expectedFunding, fundedOnIKNS } of this.myObjData[company]) {
            this.companiesSummary[company].totalCount += 1;
            this.companiesSummary[company].expectedFunding += expectedFunding === "Yes";
            this.companiesSummary[company].fundedOnIKNS += fundedOnIKNS === "Yes";

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Here's the pen

Just wanted to add that TotalCount should show the number of times a company appears in the group it's in. PLEASE ignore 'Total Count > 3'.


  • You needed to two level of nesting group program then company and modify the template a little bit as well, added a property companies in every program

    <div id="app">
      <table border="1">
          <td>Expected Fund</td>
          <td>Fund on IKNS</td>
          <td>Total Count</td>
        <template v-for="(value) in companiesSummary">
          <tr style="text-align:left">
            <th colspan="6">{{value.program}}</th>
          <template v-for="(value) in value.companies">

    The JS

    new Vue({
      el: "#app",
      data: {
        test: 'hello',
        myData: myData,
        companiesSummary: {},
        myObjData: ''
      created: function () {
      methods: {
        groupData: function (d, mode) {
          return _.groupBy(d, mode);
        buildSummary: function () {
          let programGroup = this.groupData(this.myData, 'program');
          let programCompanyGroup = null;
          let companies = [];
          let summary = {};
          for (const program of Object.keys(programGroup)) {
            programCompanyGroup = this.groupData(programGroup[program], 'company');
            for (const company of Object.keys(programCompanyGroup)) {
              summary = { program, company, totalCount: 0, expectedFunding: 0, fundedOnIKNS: 0 };
              for (const data of programCompanyGroup[company]) {
                summary.totalCount += data.TotalCount;
                summary.expectedFunding += data.expectedFunding === "Yes";
                summary.fundedOnIKNS += data.fundedOnIKNS === "Yes";
            this.companiesSummary[program] = { companies, program };
            companies = [];

    Updated Pen