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Django-oscar : how to change the URL from root APP?

I'm developing an ecommerce website using django-oscar 2.0.1.

I would like to change the url to access catalogue (as described here in the documentation), but I always get this error :

**NoReverseMatch at / 'customer' is not a registered namespace.**.

I know I'm not the only one who get this error (Django Oscar change URL pattern) but the solution proposed is this post doesn't work for me (perhaps because django-oscar version was 1.6.5 at this time ?).

So, here is the step I followed based on django-oscar documentation :

  • I created a new project in a python venv with django-oscar and all the dependencies.
  • I forked the catalogue app
python oscar_fork_app catalogue forkedApps
  • Edited the installed Apps

Here is the structure of the project :

    > forkedApps
        > catalogue
    > project
  • I tried to change catalogue base URL from /catalogue to /cata :

Forked catalogue

    # forkedApps/catalogue/

    import oscar.apps.catalogue.apps as apps
    from oscar import config
    from django.conf.urls import url

    from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
    from django.urls import reverse_lazy

    class CatalogueConfig(apps.CatalogueConfig):
        name = 'forkedApps.catalogue'

    class MyShop(config.Shop):

        # Override get_urls method
        def get_urls(self):
            from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views

            from oscar.views.decorators import login_forbidden
            urlpatterns = [
                url(r'^cata/', self.catalogue_app.urls),
                url(r'^$', RedirectView.as_view(url=reverse_lazy('catalogue:index')), name='home'),
                url(r'^basket/', self.basket_app.urls),
                #...all other urls
            return urlpatterns

Project init


    default_app_config = 'forkedApps.catalogue.apps.MyShop'

Project url


    from django.apps import apps
    from django.urls import include, path
    from django.contrib import admin

    urlpatterns = [
        path('i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),

        #path('', include(apps.get_app_config('oscar').urls[0])),
        path('', include(apps.get_app_config('catalogue').urls[0])),
        ### Does catalogue refers to my forked catalogue ? ###

And when I run the server I got this error :

raise NoReverseMatch("%s is not a registered namespace" % key) django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: 'customer' is not a registered namespace

Do you have any idea about what I missed ?


I created an APP called 'oscar_url' (arbitrary name) and I added it to INSTALLED_APPS

oscar_url init


    default_app_config = 'oscar_url.apps.MyShop'

oscar_url apps

    import oscar.config as apps
    from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
    from django.urls import reverse_lazy
    from django.conf.urls import url

    class MyShop(apps.Shop):
        name = 'oscar_url'

        def get_urls(self):
            from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views

            from oscar.views.decorators import login_forbidden
            urlpatterns = [
                url(r'^cata/', self.catalogue_app.urls),
                url(r'^$', RedirectView.as_view(url=reverse_lazy('catalogue:index')), name='home'),
                url(r'^basket/', self.basket_app.urls),
                url(r'^checkout/', self.checkout_app.urls),
                #all others urls...
            return urlpatterns

And I modified the project urls :

Project url


    urlpatterns = [
        path('i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),


        #path('', include(apps.get_app_config('oscar').urls[0])),
        path('', include(apps.get_app_config('oscar_url').urls[0])),


  • There are a couple of things here:

    1. You have defined a MyShop class, but you are not loading it anywhere. You need to include this app in your INSTALLED_APPS.

      Note that in this context it probably doesn't make sense to have MyShop living inside your catalogue app - this shop app is for your entire project, not just for the catalogue.

    2. In your project URLs, you need to load this new app's configuration instead of Oscar's:

      path('', include(apps.get_app_config('name_of_your_app').urls[0])),

      Where you would set name = 'name_of_your_app' in MyShop.