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Only read selected columns

Can anyone please tell me how to read only the first 6 months (7 columns) for each year of the data below, for example by using read.table()?

Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec   
2009   -41  -27  -25  -31  -31  -39  -25  -15  -30  -27  -21  -25
2010   -41  -27  -25  -31  -31  -39  -25  -15  -30  -27  -21  -25 
2011   -21  -27   -2   -6  -10  -32  -13  -12  -27  -30  -38  -29


  • Say the data are in file data.txt, you can use the colClasses argument of read.table() to skip columns. Here the data in the first 7 columns are "integer" and we set the remaining 6 columns to "NULL" indicating they should be skipped

    > read.table("data.txt", colClasses = c(rep("integer", 7), rep("NULL", 6)), 
    +            header = TRUE)
      Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
    1 2009 -41 -27 -25 -31 -31 -39
    2 2010 -41 -27 -25 -31 -31 -39
    3 2011 -21 -27  -2  -6 -10 -32

    Change "integer" to one of the accepted types as detailed in ?read.table depending on the real type of data.

    data.txt looks like this:

    $ cat data.txt 
    "Year" "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
    2009 -41 -27 -25 -31 -31 -39 -25 -15 -30 -27 -21 -25
    2010 -41 -27 -25 -31 -31 -39 -25 -15 -30 -27 -21 -25
    2011 -21 -27 -2 -6 -10 -32 -13 -12 -27 -30 -38 -29

    and was created by using

    write.table(dat, file = "data.txt", row.names = FALSE)

    where dat is

    dat <- structure(list(Year = 2009:2011, Jan = c(-41L, -41L, -21L), Feb = c(-27L, 
    -27L, -27L), Mar = c(-25L, -25L, -2L), Apr = c(-31L, -31L, -6L
    ), May = c(-31L, -31L, -10L), Jun = c(-39L, -39L, -32L), Jul = c(-25L, 
    -25L, -13L), Aug = c(-15L, -15L, -12L), Sep = c(-30L, -30L, -27L
    ), Oct = c(-27L, -27L, -30L), Nov = c(-21L, -21L, -38L), Dec = c(-25L, 
    -25L, -29L)), .Names = c("Year", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", 
    "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"), class = "data.frame",
    row.names = c(NA, -3L))

    If the number of columns is not known beforehand, the utility function count.fields will read through the file and count the number of fields in each line.

    ## returns a vector equal to the number of lines in the file
    count.fields("data.txt", sep = "\t")
    ## returns the maximum to set colClasses
    max(count.fields("data.txt", sep = "\t"))