I would like to know how to extract the same performance results from the events
file of the output of a model as does Tensorboard
: specifically the Precision, Recall, and Loss numbers are most of interest. Here is a subset of them displayed on Tensorboard
given the model checkpoint directory:
I'm not sure if there self-documenting information or other metadata available for these models. This one in particular is the Faster RNN Inception
: but are these outputs tied to a particular model or are they generic in format?
Found the approach in the tensorboard package:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
event_acc = EventAccumulator(evtf)
One of the entries is:
scal_losses = event_acc.Scalars('Loss/total_loss')
From that list we can extract such attributes as Step
[number] and Value
(of the loss):
losses = sorted([[sevt.step, sevt.value] for sevt in scal_losses])