I'm looking to change the color of the backdrop of the Dialog
component of Material UI using styled-components.
I found this thread on how to do exactly that but I'm not sure how to apply this to styled-components.
I currently haved a StyledDialog
as such:
const StyledDialog = styled(Dialog).attrs({
classes: { paper: 'container' },
keepMounted: true,
'aria-labelledby': 'alert-dialog-slide-title',
'aria-describedby': 'alert-dialog-slide-description'
.container {
border-radius: 0;
You can reference the backdrop via its global class ("MuiBackdrop-root") in the following manner:
const StyledDialog = styled(Dialog)`
.MuiBackdrop-root {
background-color: lightgreen;
Relevant Styled Components documentation: https://www.styled-components.com/docs/basics#pseudoelements-pseudoselectors-and-nesting